Students are encouraged to attend school as much as possible (every day is ideal!). However, we understand that your child may need to miss school due to illness, appointments, etc. You will receive an automated phone call from the school whenever your child is absent, even if you have given us prior notice of the absence. If your child is absent, please be sure to send a note in the nametag when he/she returns to school. You can also email Ms. Hayward, and the email can be printed and given to the office in place of a note. It is not necessary to call the school each time your child will be out, but if your child misses 3 consecutive days, please contact us to let us know the reason. Also, please note that you may still receive the automated phone call if your child arrives tardy and attendance has already been taken. The absence will be changed in the computer, but we cannot prevent the phone calls from going out.
Do all students eat breakfast at school?
Breakfast (food, milk, and juice) is offered free of charge to all students each morning as part of our Morning Experiences time. We encourage all students to eat daily, but do not force them if they tell us they are not hungry. Ultimately, it is their choice whether or not to eat breakfast. If you do not trust your child’s judgment and want him/her to eat anyway, please send a note or email. You also have the option of sending a small breakfast snack from home for your child to eat during this time if you prefer.
Can I pick my child up occassionally?
Of course! If you know that you will be picking your child up from school on a given day, please send a note in his/her nametag. We will send your child to the cafeteria at 3:40, and you can sign your child out there with a yellow pick-up card. If you forget to send a note, you can also email Ms. Hayward. Please make every effort to let us know ahead of time, as dismissal can be a hectic time of day and we want to be sure that all children get where they need to be.
If you plan to pick your child up before dismissal, include the planned time in the note and we will try to have your child ready. You will need to go to the office when you arrive to sign your child out, and the office staff will call the classroom for us to deliver your child to the office. At no time are parents allow to pick children up directly from the classroom without visiting the office.