In addition to information sent home in nametags, we use several different technology tools to keep parents informed of class activities and events and to share classroom learning activities. My goal is to reach all parents in a way that is beneficial and convenient. All of these are 100% free!!
- Seesaw – This is the official learning management system for Pre-K this year, so all parents are asked to set up a family account. Each child has their own digital “journal” to add to throughout the year! Pictures and other items can be privately added to individual children’s journals, although some items will be shared to all journals. Students will also complete interactive activities using Seesaw. In addition to student work, Seesaw also allows me to send announcements/messages to all parents at once or have individual conversations with parents. Information will be sent out soon with instructions for setting up your account.
- Google Forms – I use these throughout the year as a convenient way for families to schedule conferences, RSVP for special events, and more. Links to forms are sent out electronically to make it easy for parents to respond. If you have any questions, concerns, or difficulty, please let us know!
- Class Website – I maintain this website with reminders, announcements, curriculum info, calendar, class schedule, and other information that may be beneficial to families. I update the site with each unit, so check back frequently! Also, if you have suggestions for additional resources to add to the website, I’m always looking for new ideas!
Hopefully you will find these tools beneficial for keeping up with classroom activities and information. If you have any questions, please let me know!